Lyon G. Payley Zonamyari – Professional Name

Analyst and Author of Name Reality!

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What Does Your Name Say About You?

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From birth, your given documented names create a blueprint, influencing your personality, your character, your mental and physical health – for better or for worse. More amazing, letters from each of your names rotate at predetermined years, influencing events and the way you live your life.

If your life or the life of a loved one has not gone the way you had planned, and conventional self-help methods have not met your expectations, many answers can be found within the combination of your documented names.​ Name Analysis using Name Reality can guide you to live a better life!

In addition to being a Professional Name Analyst, author Lyon Zonamyari is also an Intuitive Naturopathic Holistic Healer. Learn more

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How Does It Work?

The Name Analysis system makes it easy for you to understand who you are and why you behave the way you do. It shows you how to make changes in your life, big or small, and it shows you how to create a balanced name to give you or your child the best opportunities in life. 

For most people, awareness is sufficient to make the necessary adjustments to enjoy a better life. Some people decide to change their name. Sometimes changing just one name, the way you spell a name or adding an initial can make a huge difference!

There are many factors that come together to create, develop and influence your personality. A starting point is your date, time and place of birth. Other factors include your environment, parents, family, education and upbringing. Karma, especially past life Karma, and any inspirational mentors all play a role in making you the person that you are today. Even your diet –  what you eat and drink – affects your development both mentally and physically. However, once you have read Name Reality, you will see that what most accurately defines you can be linked directly to your names. 

This 2-minute video discusses the basics of the Name Reality system. You can also watch a more detailed 40-minute video.

Name Reality is not a hokey pokey theory; it is not numerology. This system was used in ancient times by enlightened families to name their children so that they could live prosperous happy and healthy lives. It is several thousand of years old and was, for the most, kept a secret. When you see for yourself how accurate this system is, you will understand why it has been kept under wraps.

“Brilliant book especially if you’re thinking of naming a child! Name Reality by Lyon G. Zonamyari.”


Naomie Harris, Actor​, Oscar Nominee
Miss MoneyPenny in 007 Skyfall and Spectre​

Dr. Karen Kan MD. Doctor’s Orders:
“Make life easier for yourself – do this STAT!”

Listen to Dr. Karen Kan’s Full Radio Interview Here.

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You can purchase the eBook, Paperback and Hardcover at most online bookstores. Amazon offers the physical and Kindle book versions.  offer formats for I-Pads and other reading devices.

This book can be very helpful when choosing a name for your baby boy or girl and helpful for those seeking self-help or self-improvement, including physical and mental health. Name Reality Analysis covers all names, first names, middle names, surnames, family names and baby names.This book can be useful if you study psychology, psychotherapy or any project related to human behavior. You may also find this book interesting if you are studying etymology.

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The laws of attraction are real.

Your names can help, hinder or halt your progress!

Name: a word that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person.
Reality: in truth, the here and now, the totality of actual things and events.

Name Reality  is a documented system that shows who you really are and why life has not always gone the way you planned. Name Reality shows why some of us appear to lead happy stress free lives and others do not. Name Reality shows why some years you try so hard but cannot get ahead. This incredible system can be your turning point if you want to understand yourself better, need to improve specific areas of your life or want to create a new vibrant, healthy, successful, happy name for you or your baby.

Any one name for the most is good. Just as you can touch any one key on a piano and it will sound good. When you press two or more keys at the same time or play with two hands, it is important you press the right keys. If you press the right combination of keys, you produce beautiful music. If you press the wrong combination of keys, at best you are out of tune, or worst, you become a dreadful noise. Your names apply a similar action. 

Name Reality reveals how, from birth, your documented names create a blueprint that shapes and defines your character, your personality, both your mental and physical health, for better or for worse. More amazing, the letters from each of your names rotate at predetermined years, influencing the way you live your life. Your names can bring you success or failure, influence love, health and happiness. Parents can unknowingly name their kids for a life of bliss, fame and fortune or sickness, doom and gloom. One letter can make a huge difference. Ann. Anne. Anna or Ana. Name Reality shows which name balances best with your family name.

The combination of your names can be likened to a dress or suit, an outfit that you wear for life. It makes a statement. It says who you are and can influence the way other people see you. Your names, like your clothes, need balance. A great outfit can be ruined by the wrong pair of shoes or a goofy hat. Each letter in your name emits a frequency, like the keys on a piano. Play the right combination of notes and you have beautiful music. Play the wrong combination of notes and at best you are out of tune, or worst, you become a dreadful noise. 

The sound of music produced by a piano can be documented with sheet music. The vibration produced by your names can be documented with Name Reality.

So why has nobody told you this before? If you have read anything about the laws of attraction, you will know it was a secret knowledge kept hidden from the public, known only to a few privileged families. Analyzing names, another fundamental principle action of the Universe, was also kept under lock and key for centuries. It was lost then found, swept aside and now again, rediscovered.


Analyzing names can be traced back several thousand years.This knowledge was originally known and used, solely by the enlightened families of Egypt, the Chaldea and Hebrew Countries in the Middle East.

On the day a child was born to one of these families, calculations were made using this analysis system and a name was created for the baby specifically to improve the qualities of that child’s life. More recently, some 3000 years ago, this system found its way to China. It was in China that this knowledge was recorded and preserved in its splendid entirety, known as the “The Way of Life”. A much more complicated version can be be found in the Indian Vedas and in the Hebrew Cabbalas. More recently, discovered in Egypt, the great hieratic papyrus known as the “Book of the Master of the Secret House” was preserved at the library of the Louvre in Paris. A copy was translated and published by W. Marsham Adams in 1898.

In 1929, a compilation of all these scripts was written and published by Veolita Parke Boyle. Titled; “The Fundamental principles of Yi-King Tao, the Cabbalas of Egypt and the Hebrews”. Both Veolita and her sister Elvrita, devoted their lives to the study of names, based on the Chinese “Sacred Science of Vibration”. Unfortunately back then, almost a century ago, her book received little recognition. People were a long way from the New Age and many regarded her book as nothing more than superstition.

Some 50 years later, a gentleman in England named Laurence Payg, came across a copy of Veolita’s book in the late 1980’s and quickly became a well-known name analyst using the basic principles of this system. Laurence unfortunately passed away in December 2014. He was perhaps best known for changing the name of aspiring model Laura Hollins to Agyness G. Deyn. One year later she was voted Model of the Year 2007 and became the face of Armani and Burberry. Laura was already signed to London Agency Models One. Absolutely nothing else about her circumstances changed. She stayed with the same agency, kept her hairstyle, her look and yet her life and career skyrocketed soon after her name change.

I was introduced to Laurence in 2010 and immediately became fascinated by the accuracy of this system. I studied with Laurence and also obtained a copy of Veolita’s book. I was fortunate that a good friend was able to translate the Yi-King proverbs bringing new light to an already incredible book. Then, with this new information I was able to crack a secret numerical code, almost like it was left there intentionally for me to discover. This code enabled me to take the system to new heights by understanding how specific name and letter combinations can aggravate a long list of mental and physical health concerns from lungs, breathing, heart, throat, brain, liver, gall bladder, growths, tumors and cancer to ADHD, stress, anxiety, phobias, suicidal thoughts, introvert/extrovert and bipolar conditions.

This system is so incredibly accurate you can consider it one of the foremost studies written about the understanding and meaning of names. At first glance, Name Reality may appear very similar to numerology. However, this is not the case. Numerology is a good system, but Name Reality is very different and probes way deeper. Name Reality shows how you are the unique blend of all your names and goes further by explaining how individual letters from your names affect events for each and every year of your life. Name Reality is the only system that enables you to accurately modify, change or create a name to a specific personality and create positive or negative events at predetermined years.


Name Reality is a simple mathematical formula that anybody with basic skills can use to calculate a person’s character and life events. In a nutshell, there are 64 personality types dividing the human race, just as there are 64 fundamental forces that constitute the action of the Universe. You may have seen the numbers 1 to 64 before. There are 64 codons that make up human DNA. There are 64 hexagrams in the I-Ching and there are 64 squares on a chess board. It is recognized as a powerful mathematical force. Numbers are selected for each letter in your name, then added together to calculate which of the 64 personality types you have for each one of your names. Each name has two personalities. I call these primary and undertone. Each name you have is the result of both these personalities. In turn, you are the combination of the personalities from all of your names. This goes further to include your mother’s maiden name and the number and the day you were born. Every one of us is the combination of at least 7 personalities or 9 if you have a middle name.

You can see how by a quick mathematical calculation you are one in 500 million or one in 200 billion if you add a middle name. Similar as the odds of two people having the same DNA, this system is incredibly accurate.

The second part of Name Reality reveals how letters in your names change and rotate on your birthday. Using the mathematical formula you can calculate a life chart showing which letters are active in what year. Every letter has a definition. Some are good and some are not so good. Again, it is the combination of these three or four letters, one from each of your names that dictate influences for that year of your life. For example; F, H, U, V, W and X can have a negative influence. C, G, J, K, L, N, P, Q, Y and Z tend to have a positive influence. Letters A, B, D, E, I, M, O, R, S, and T can swing either way depending upon the positive or negative from other letters active in the same year.


When you understand all of your names, if a negative part of your personality or certain letters bring negative events into your life, you can make advance plans. You can change, overcome or reduce these potential problems. Self -awareness and understanding oneself, is sometimes enough to enable you to make the necessary corrections, with positive attitude and positive visualization. This system helps you to know where and when to focus your time, your effort and resources to obtain the maximum results. This system will not tell you which lottery numbers to play. However, it will give you an accurate weather forecast. Knowing which year to carry an umbrella or take your sunglasses, will enhance the quality of your life.

Each of the 64 personalities have one of 9 health advisories, physical and mental. If any of these advisories repeat two or especially three times in your names it will influence a weakness in that area. If certain letter combinations appear in your chart, it can aggravate these conditions for as long as those letters are in force.  Sometimes just changing your lifestyle, especially what you eat, drink and breathe, can be enough to compensate and bring balance into your life. More can be found about that on my Healing Website.


There are hundreds of renowned and respected self-help gurus. Many have written or produced excellent books. They mostly point in the same direction. Positive speaking with positive thinking reinforced by positive visualization will improve your life. Books like The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, gained huge worldwide attention. Best sellers like The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Steven K Scott takes a more religious approach by relating to the biblical Book of Proverbs. My favorite is a book that was first published in 1963. The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy, more recently revised by Dr Ian McMahan. Many people have gained from these books, yet so many have failed abysmally. Why?

If you have names with negative tendencies leaning towards anger, anxiety, doubt, hesitation, fears or phobias, this will most surely restrict your potential and slow or even stop your progress. If you have negative letter combinations in your events chart, it will delay or block your advancement during the years those letters are working against you. The more negatives you have, the more difficult it is to get ahead. If you have tried self-help methods and failed, it was probably not for lack of trying. It is most likely your names, or the letter combinations you were in at that time, prevented you from reaching your goals.


Two examples where changing your name can alter your life is evident in the world of entertainment and marriage. Movie stars and popular musicians are a good example of what can happen when you change your name. How many struggled to achieve fame, until they chose the right name. Were they less talented before choosing their new name? I doubt it!

In many countries, women take the family name of their husbands upon marriage. Sometimes, the new name can blend well and improve life for the better. Unfortunately, it can also have the opposite effect. How often have you heard of couples living together, happy for many years, but break up soon after marriage? Name Reality shows how, in many cases, it was the name change that altered the dynamics for the worse. Statistics show the divorce rate in England and the USA is around 50%. Yet in Central, South America and China, where women do not take the family name of their husbands, divorce rate is 5%.


You cannot change your date, time and place of birth, thus changing your astrological chart. However, one of the few things you can change about yourself is your name. Changing your name will change your vibration, which can turn your life around for the better. Sometimes changing just one name, the way you spell a name, or adding middle initials, can make a huge difference.

Like a new custom made designer dress or suit, it will change the way you feel about yourself and the way other people see you. Doors will begin to open, improving your life, with love, health and happiness. Your piano will play the right combination of keys, producing beautiful music to be heard by you and the people who surround you.

My research shows when you commit to changing your name, effects begin immediately and increase with every document you change. The more you want it, the faster it happens. I have witnessed some people experience a rapid transformation with their life quickly taking a new direction, becoming calm, more focused and more positive in the way they think, speak and act. A balanced name with positive letters has no obstacles and sets you free. Self-help techniques will begin to work, bringing out the positive qualities in your astrological chart. You will grow and develop, taking better control of both your life and your future.

Preparing a Name Analysis for yourself or someone who is important to you, can be rewarding and life changing.

Creating a positive name for a new born can be a wonderful gift for life.

To read name change client testimonials click here

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